
Speak: English
EmilyEve was online: 1 second ago


My description is : I like to communicate with interesting people, share impressions and find common interests. I know how to listen and support, and I am also very romantic and passionate. I love adventures and new impressions, so I will never be bored with me. I am sure we will have a great time together!

I like: love, cute cats, tea, travel

I don't like: rain, apples, Monday morning

Age: 18

Preference: bisexual

Breast size:

Build: medium

Ethnicity: white

EyeColor: green

Hair Color: green

Hair Length: short

Sex: female

Price: 1.99

Top 14 EmilyEve`s pics gallery and live erotic show on VersoPorn❤️!

VersoPorn❤️:EmilyEve is our bisexual newbie. Lucky she gets to reach in anybody`s pants and be happy no matter what finds there! This 18 year old fire redhaired sex monster wants anal sex badly .