
Speak: English
EmelyHoward was online: 1 second ago


My description is : Hi, my name is Emily and I love to play sports. I was involved in athletics, many awards and all the first places. I have a good stretch, I love doing yoga at home and I also want to work as a physical education teacher at school. I am currently studying for this specialty.

I like: I like to play sports in nature. especially my morning doesn't go by without doing yoga in the woods. I love listening to the sound of trees and birds singing. sometimes I give myself 1 day a month so that I can eat what I want . I like to have a burger on this day and wash it down with soda. But this is my secret. For me, the main thing in people is honesty and a good sense of humor . I love look

I don't like: people with a bad sense of humor and brown in their clothes

Age: 19

Preference: straight

Breast size:

Build: athletic

Ethnicity: white

EyeColor: brown

Hair Color: brown

Hair Length: long

Sex: female

Price: 2.49

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VersoPorn❤️:EmelyHoward is our bisexual newbie. Lucky she gets to reach in anybody`s pants and be happy no matter what finds there! This 19 year old blondehaired sex monster wants anal sex badly .